How can I get assistance from Westbridge, Inc.?
Contact Richard Steinfeld (203) 331-2730 or email info@westbridgeinc.org and we will provide you with an application form and other information that we will need to evaluate your project.
What kinds of repairs does Westbridge do?
Westbridge is capable of making most home or building repairs that are needed to provide a safe and secure structure for the occupants. The types of repairs completed in the past include: renovating bathrooms to make them handicapped accessible; widening doorways and halls for wheelchair access; building ramps and railings for wheelchair access; renovating kitchens, window replacement, minor plumbing repairs, fixing roof and other leaks.
What we do not do.
Westbridge feels that painting and purely cosmetic repairs do not fall within its mission. We also have stopped doing roof replacement but will occasionally do roof repairs on a case by case basis. Westbridge will try to assist in finding other individuals or organizations to perform any needed tasks that are not within our mission or which are beyond the ability of Westbridge to perform.
What does it cost?
In almost all cases, the materials are provided by Westbridge at no cost and, of course, the labor is free. Westbridge supplies basic, functional, good quality materials to accomplish the task at hand. If different materials are desired, the owner may be asked to pay the additional cost.
Westbridge does require that the homeowner or organization provide lunch and/or snacks for the volunteers; or contribute in some other non-monetary way to the project, such as providing friends or family members to volunteer alongside the Westbridge volunteers. Each case is evaluated on its own merits, but Westbridge does believe that the homeowner or the organization should directly contribute in some way to the success of the project.
Westbridge accepts projects in Connecticut towns of Norwalk, Wilton, Westport, Weston, Fairfield, Bridgeport, Stratford, Easton, Redding, Trumbull, Monroe; and will occasionally go beyond these areas.